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Arthur K. Yeung et al.
Generating and Generalizing Ideas with Impact
Michael J. Marquardt
Transforming Problems and People for World-Class
David Kiron et al.
Findings from the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Global Executive Study and Research Project
丹尼·伊尼(Danny Iny)
Danny Iny
How the Disruption of Education Helps Lifelong Learners and Experts with Something to Teach
Russell Sarder
A Framework to Build a Smarter Workforce, Adapt to Change, and Drive Growth
Ajay M. Pangarkar and Teresa Kirkwood
A Complete Resource for Linking Learning to Organizational Strategy
James D. Kirkpatrick and Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick
How Workplace Learning Must Reinvent Itself to Remain Relevant
Mastering the 5 Elements for Corporate Learning
Elwood F. Holton III and Richard A. Swanson
Linking Research and Practice