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Alejandra Salgado
Using alternative routes like the Cape of Good Hope not only means longer transit times but higher freight costs. Here’s what shipping experts had to say.
Harold Meyerson
The yearly turnover rate among long-haul truckers is 94 percent. And you wonder why you’re not getting your orders on time?
Wendover Productions
Brendan Murray
Logistics managers are battling the pandemic, a labor shortage, and huge demand to get goods to your front door.
Dirk-Maarten Molenaar et al.
Peter S. Goodman et al.
The pandemic has disrupted international trade, driving up the cost of shipping goods and adding a fresh challenge to the global economic recovery.
Maria Gallucci
The shipping industry needs to deliver cleaner cargo ships, or we’re all sunk.
Roger C. Altman et al.
Annika Zawadzki et al.
Devin Leonard
For UPS and FedEx, Amazon's been great for business. Now it's taking business away from them.
World Economic Forum
Hyperconnected Travel and Transportation in Action
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