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David Brooks
The life secrets of those who flailed early but succeeded by old age
Bernard Marr
The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World
Jean-Christophe Ravaux et al.
Accelerating Skills Acquisition to Match the Pace of Change
Maria Barisano et al.
Julia Hobsbawm
Reinventing Work and the Workplace of the Future
Ethan Mollick
Living and Working with AI
Kweilin Ellingrud et al.
Jason Wingard
Market Disruption, Diminishing ROI, and an Alternative Future of Learning
Andrew Deck
The global labor force of outsourced and contract workers are early adopters of generative AI — and the most at risk
Neveen Awad et al.
Buffer et al.
How remote workers from around the world feel about remote work, the benefits and struggles that come along with it, and what it’s like to be a remote worker in 2023
Jeremy Myerson and Philip Ross
The Reinvention of the Modern Office