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Maria Gallucci
Uncharted Territory
The shipping industry needs to deliver cleaner cargo ships, or we’re all sunk.
Grist, 2017
A significant contributor to global warming has remained invisible even to environmentally conscious consumers.
Although 90% of what you buy arrives via ship, the shipping industry has remained largely invisible to the average consumer. By staying out of sight, the industry has mostly avoided the scrutiny other emissions-heavy industries have come under in recent years. With little incentive to adopt greener technology, the shipping industry has become a major obstacle in international efforts to keep global warming below 2°C (3.6°F), explains science reporter Maria Gallucci in an eye-opening article for the environmental-news magazine Grist. getAbstract recommends her article to company owners, supply chain specialists, environmental activists and consumers.
About the Author
Energy and environment reporter Maria Gallucci was a reporter at Mashable. She is the 2017–2018 Energy Journalism Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin.
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