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Ari Kiev
Trading to Win
The Psychology of Mastering the Markets
Wiley, 1998
Learn mental and emotional discipline to beat the market and become a super trader.
Zen Buddhism, yoga and single-minded dedication to stock trading come together in psychiatrist Ari Kiev’s examination of super traders, those stock market Olympians who, without particularly wanting to make money, pull in millions in trading profits. Kiev offers advice to professional, institutional traders and to those trading to build or supplement personal finances. His writing style is simple, with short, encouraging paragraphs and some repetition of ideas. He intersperses his checklists with numerous anecdotes and profiles of traders. Kiev discusses subjects that technical finance and how-to trading books don’t often treat – especially inner dialogue and emotions, and the use of Eastern meditation practices to facilitate trading. getAbstract recommends his 1998 classic to traders and to those who are considering trading.
About the Author
Ari Kiev, MD, is a psychiatrist, trading coach and management consultant to several New York trading firms. His books include Hedge Fund Masters and The Mental Strategies of Top Traders.
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