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The Selling Fox

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The Selling Fox

A Field Guide For Dynamic Sales Performance


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If you can sell out in the competitive jungle and rescue sinking contracts, maybe you’re just sly and smart, like a fox.


Editorial Rating



  • Applicable
  • Overview
  • Concrete Examples


Jim Holden uses the metaphor of the Selling Fox to present ideas that will sharpen the skills of any competitive sales professional. Unlike many sales books, which have a “supervisory” voice, written from the perspective of someone who isn’t actually battling away on the front lines, Holden writes about the reality of winning and keeping business. Foxes survive and thrive in an environment where another player is always scheming to steal their cheese, not move it. In fact, one unique aspect of this helpful guide is its practical advice on how to set traps for your competitors and take their clients away. That may not fit the rest of Holden’s emphasis on integrity – but the law of the jungle is often what makes a sales professional a valued property. Maybe the fox analogy is overdone, but the phrase “super sales person” is even more careworn. getAbstract recommends this book to those engaged in selling, and to those who train them.


The World of the Fox

The fox faces adversity and competition every day in the brutal world of sales. The fox’s eyes and instincts must be keen, ready to respond to any opportunity. As a fox, you live in an uncertain world, where esteem and paycheck depend solely on what you have done for your company lately. Tough territory? Sure. Yet some manage to survive and even thrive in this environment. Those success stories are the rare, extraordinary, super salespeople – the Selling Foxes. The good news is, you can learn from their success. You, too, can become a Selling Fox. Lesson Number One: To be a successful Selling Fox, you must be able to close.

The Closing Fox

There are three basic approaches to closing: soft, trial and hard. The soft close is non-confrontational; the salesperson does not ask directly for the order. Foxes don’t like this common sales approach because it leads to protracted sales cycles. All types of sales people use the trial close. During the trial close, you discover what objections you may need to overcome before the client is prepared to buy. Finally, there’s the hard close. The hard close is simple: it means asking for the order. ...

About the Author

As the founder and CEO of Holden International, Jim Holden has become a leader in sales and marketing. Holden International helped pioneer new concepts in customer value, competition and politics, as reflected in the Power Base Selling program. Holden’s other books include Power Base Selling: Secrets of an Ivy League Street Fighter and World Class Selling: The Crossroads of Customer, Sales, Marketing and Technology.

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