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Drea Zigarmi, Ken Blanchard, Michael O'Connor and Carl Edeburn
The Leader Within
Learning Enough About Yourself to Lead Others
FT Prentice Hall, 2005
Your leadership style reflects your personality and vision. Understand yourself before you lead others.
Ken Blanchard is the draw in this group-authored book, even if he doesn’t get top billing. The author of The One-Minute Manager and his co-writers Drea Zigarmi, Michael O’Connor and Carl Edeburn explain how to understand and shape your personality to become the kind of leader or manager you want to be. Their book is not a tract on cognitive science but rather a business text with useful exercises and insights – in particular, the notion of personality as layered, complex and malleable rather than hard and unchanging. The authors’ charts are a bit of a hodgepodge; they occasionally strain for an image and their presentation of ideas can be confusing. However, getAbstract recommends this book to Blanchard fans and others who are striving to enhance their charisma and brush up their leadership style.
About the Authors
Drea Zigarmi is a management consultant for numerous major corporations and entities. He is a bestselling author, trainer and speaker. Ken Blanchard consults and trains managers about leading their employees. He wrote The One Minute Manager and other books. Michael O’Connor co-authored Managing by Values with Blanchard. Carl Edeburn has been a business consultant for 25 years. Edeburn has co-authored several books with Blanchard.
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