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Mark Anastasi
The Laptop Millionaire
How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online
Wiley, 2012
Was ist drin?
You can make a great living today with only a computer and an Internet connection.
“I made $15,000 a month thanks to my e-book on” “I make $30,000 a month thanks to my mailing list of 25,000 subscribers.” “I make over $30,000 to $50,000 a month thanks to free traffic from the search engines.” As they say, people are prospering with Internet marketing, and online sales superstar Mark Anastasi tells you how to join their ranks. He’s proud that these now-wealthy entrepreneurs learned to strike it rich on the Internet by attending his seminars, viewing his DVDs or subscribing to his newsletter. He maps many different routes to potential online riches. You may want to choose carefully among his suggestions. Some are valid and helpful, but others may make you question Internet commerce. For example, one setup exploits the cheap labor of impoverished people by selling their work at many times the broker’s purchase price and other tactics call for selling lists in various forms, despite possible privacy concerns. Thankfully, most of Anastasi’s Internet moneymaking suggestions do not present such dilemmas, so with that alert, getAbstract suggests this intensely practical manual to anyone – especially newcomes to web enterprise – who wants to make money on the web.
About the Author
Mark Anastasi founded Inspired Marketing Group. He organized The Traffic Generation Summit, The Passive Income Summit and The Millionaire Bootcamp for Women.
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