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Peter Block
The Empowered Manager
Positive Political Skills at Work
Jossey-Bass, 1991
No one in a bureaucracy is going to give you empowerment. To be an autonomous manager, you have to seize it.
This book offers the middle-aged middle manager a strategy for surging ahead instead of sinking in an ocean of uncontrollable organizational forces. Author Peter Block provides strategies for countering the negative effects of being enmeshed in hierarchy and bureaucracy. Reactions to that experience, especially fear, lead to bureaucratic management styles that leave everyone in the company - sometimes even the CEO - feeling trapped and frustrated. The book wanders around and bogs down here and there, but getAbstract finds that its advice - which strongly pushes self-awareness, vision and autonomy in the service of others - could muster middle management’s entrepreneurial spirit.
About the Author
Peter Block has been an organizational development consultant for more than 25 years. He is also the author of Flawless Consulting.
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