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Taxation and the Peer-to-Peer Economy

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Taxation and the Peer-to-Peer Economy


5 мин на чтение
5 основных идей
Аудио и текст

Что внутри?

The peer-to-peer economy is disrupting business models. It’s time for tax policy to keep pace.

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Editorial Rating



  • Controversial
  • Analytical
  • Background


With the growth of the peer-to-peer (P2P) economy, questions have arisen about how best to tax this sector. Should governments develop a different approach to assessing these commercial activities? And how can the state make sure that P2P businesses don’t get an unfair advantage over their traditional competitors? IMF economists Aqib Aslam and Alpa Shah delve into such 21st-century concerns in a comprehensive look at this topical issue. getAbstract suggests this timely report to tax experts, economists, accountants and anyone interested in the P2P economy.


The worldwide expansion of the peer-to-peer (P2P) economy has led to some unique concerns on the taxation front. The P2P economy consists of online marketplaces – such as Uber, Taskrabbit and Airbnb – that serve people looking to connect with one another to exchange products and services. Observers worry that authorities are employing “a light government touch” on this sector, thereby putting it at an advantage over its conventional rivals. While the government could be undertaxing the P2P economy, its online nature means that, as its activities become more mainstream, more income...

About the Authors

Aqib Aslam and Alpa Shah are economists with the International Monetary Fund.

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