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CB Insights
Livestreaming Is on the Rise
Here’s What It Means For The Future Of E-Commerce
CB Insights, 2021
Still think livestreaming is just a buggy, boring YouTube experience that you’d rather skip? Think again!
The pandemic has changed so many things, with stay-at-home orders and store closures giving retail a run for its money. Brands and companies have been desperate to increase online engagement with customers, and the answer may be livestream video. Influencers on many platforms have long touted the products and services they claim to love, but sometimes the buying experience is clunky, requiring fans to click a link and leave the viewing experience. In this special report, CB Insights explains how livestreaming platforms are streamlining the buying process, making livestream a major source of e-commerce growth.
About the Author
CB Insights is a technology insights platform that analyzes markets, business relationships, growth, competition and innovation.
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