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Jo Boaler
Limitless Mind
Learn, Lead, and Live Without Barriers
HarperOne, 2019
Limitless learning: a new, better way to think of learning and growth for students, teachers and parents.
Stanford mathematics education professor Jo Boaler argues that from the moment you enter school, teachers seek to convince you that your brain is a fixed entity, capable of learning some things and incapable of learning others.Regrettably, Boaler says, this notion follows you into adulthood, causing you to believe, for example, that you don’t have a “math brain.” Such false assumptions destroy your confidence and hamper your learning. Boaler shares new neuroscience showing how you can develop a growth mind-set and embrace the struggle to change your brain and body. Do that, and you can become a limitless learner and leader.
About the Author
Jo Boaler, PhD is the Nomellini-Olivier Professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University and co-founder of YouCubed.org. Her books include the series Mathematical Mindsets.
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