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Jeffrey A. Krames
Lead with Humility
12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis
AMACOM, 2014
You don’t have to be Catholic to respect and admire Pope Francis or to emulate his leadership style.
Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina chose the name “Francis” when he became the first Jesuit pope of the Catholic Church in March 2013. Inspired by the modesty of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis anchors his philosophy and approach to life in humility. Author Jeffrey A. Krames, the Jewish son of Holocaust survivors, portrays Pope Francis as a decisive, pragmatic leader with keen political and business acumen. This compelling profile of the pope’s strengths and vulnerabilities explains how you can emulate his leadership in a corporate environment. Krames illustrates why Pope Francis has become one of the world’s most admired and respected figures. Whatever your spiritual beliefs are, getAbstract thinks you will find profound inspiration in this portrait of Pope Francis’s humble – but effective – approach to leadership.
About the Author
Jeffrey A. Krames has written several business bestsellers, including Jack Welch and the Four E’s of Leadership.
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