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Leigh Anderson
How to Identify Workplace Sexual Harassment When You See It
Lifehacker, 2017
Sexual harassment can be easy to dismiss, especially in a male-dominated workplace. Here’s how to spot it.
Thanks to the #MeToo movement, society is confronting workplace sexual harassment on a wide scale. While news reports focus on sexual assault and groping, more common forms of discrimination are harder to spot (and to prove). Where is the line that separates the illegal from the merely unpleasant? Leigh Anderson, writing for the weblog Lifehacker, has a few insights. She doesn’t make filing a suit (especially by yourself) seem like a particularly promising path, but has a strong message: “Trust yourself, and lobby for changes.” Don’t laugh off sexist comments or sacrifice a job or career to avoid a toxic environment. If you see harassment, call it. getAbstract recommends Anderson’s compassionate primer to anyone suspecting harassment in their workplace.
About the Author
Leigh Anderson is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn, New York. She wrote The Games Bible: The Rules, the Gear, the Strategies.
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