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Mark Ritson
Gary Vaynerchuk Is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong About Media
Marketing Week, 2016
If you want guidance to navigate the complicated world of advertising, don’t look to Gary Vaynerchuk.
Except for the Super Bowl, people no longer watch television – or so says marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuk. Accordingly, marketers should spend all their budgets on social media and Super Bowl commercials. Not so fast, cautions professor Mark Ritson in this Marketing Week column. Vaynerchuk, he argues, bases his advice on personal experience rather than facts. Although Ritson is condescending in some parts and vulgar in others, his data-driven rebuke should convince marketers to take Vaynerchuk’s advice on advertising budgets with a grain of salt.
About the Author
Mark Ritson, PhD, is a marketing professor at Melbourne Business School and award-winning branding columnist at Marketing Week.
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