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Mike Robbins
Focus on the Good Stuff
The Power of Appreciation
Jossey-Bass, 2007
Was ist drin?
You will be much happier if you think about the good instead of fretting about the bad. So why don’t you?
Mike Robbins is a former professional baseball player. In 1997, he blew out his arm, thus ending his career. A minister’s locker room sermon about staying positive inspired Robbins, who now is a busy motivational speaker. Robbins’ basic message: People should appreciate what they have and not dwell on the negative. Though Robbins’ proclamation that it is better to concentrate on the good rather than the bad makes sense, many of his concepts are just that obvious. This fluffy book is a compilation of feel-good reminders of reliable verities, like the need for gratitude. getAbstract recommends it as a warm, comfortable overview for newcomers to this upbeat self-help genre.
About the Author
Mike Robbins, a former professional baseball player, is a motivational speaker and life coach. He is the author of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.
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