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Yves Doz and Keeley Wilson
Escaping the Growth Curse
The Path to Stronger Corporate Strategy
Berrett-Koehler, 2024
Stock market pressure to grow imperils companies, especially mature ones.
Large companies listed on the investment markets face steady pressure to deliver growth. Investors punish companies that don’t keep expanding, yet organizations that deliver what the market demands in terms of continual growth may kill themselves in the process. This is because mature companies eventually plateau – at least for a time – and managing a company on the plateau requires different skills and strategies than managing for growth. INSEAD professor Yves Doz and management expert Keeley Wilson explain that common strategies for delivering constant growth may be fatal. That is why they give a new name to the usual corporate drive to keep getting bigger: “the growth curse.”
About the Authors
Yves Doz is the Solvay Chaired Professor of Technological Innovation and Strategic Management Emeritus at INSEAD. Keeley Wilson is a senior researcher at INSEAD focusing on global innovation and management processes.
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