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Robert Glazer
Elevate Your Team
Empower Your Team To Reach Their Full Potential and Build A Business That Builds Leaders
Simple Truths, 2023
To help your firm reach its top potential, hire the best people and enable them to advance internally.
Your people have the ability to achieve superior performance. It’s your job as their leader to “elevate” them so they can maximize their talents and move ahead. To achieve that goal, CEO Robert Glazer advises creating a learning-driven corporate culture that offers employees pathways for career development. He provides a planned, effective capacity-building framework for getting there. A serial entrepreneur, Glazer shares his experience recruiting people with high potential and helping them achieve their full capabilities. In this helpful manual, he explains how that works, from hiring to staying healthy.
About the Author
Founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners, Robert Glazer hosts The Elevate Podcast. He also wrote Elevate: Push Beyond Your Limits and Unlock Success in Yourself and Others and Friday Forward: Inspiration & Motivation to End Your Week Stronger Than It Started.
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