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Michael Dennis Graham, Thomas A. Roth and Dawn Dugan
Effective Executive Compensation
Creating a Total Rewards Strategy for Executives
AMACOM, 2008
Structuring CEO rewards to get great performance: A powerful, flexible toolkit for designing and aligning executive pay.
Compensation can align the interests of a company’s CEO with those of its shareholders. Michael Dennis Graham, Thomas A. Roth and Dawn Dugan show you how in their insightful book on effective executive pay, a package they call the “Total Reward Strategy.” They explain how to use compensation to get great executive performance, instead of just handing out hefty paychecks and hoping for the best. They demonstrate how each piece of a pay package can focus top executives on the tasks that matter most. Consultants Graham and Roth tapped their considerable experience and expertise to produce a book that is not just a marketing piece. Because it combines readable writing (given the contribution of freelancer Dawn Dugan) with rigorous analysis, getAbstract recommends their book to all interested business readers as well as CEOs, directors, consultants and other professionals directly involved in executive compensation issues.
About the Authors
Michael Dennis Graham and Thomas A. Roth are consultants with more than 30 years experience each. They have designed more than 300 “Total Rewards Strategies.” Dawn Dugan is a freelance writer.
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