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Stanley F. Stasch
Creating a Successful Marketing Strategy for Your Small New Business
Praeger, 2010
Almost 90% of start-ups fail in the first few years. Beat the odds with this tactical marketing advice.
Most new business owners don’t give much thought to establishing a complete, thorough marketing plan, and it shows: “Some 80-90% of new business start-ups fail within the first two to three years.” So says Stanley F. Stasch, who long has studied this phenomenon and offers sage advice to entrepreneurs hoping to beat the odds. Stasch does a solid job of presenting research and case studies that drive home his main points, but less-patient readers may find his guide for small business practitioners repetitively wordy, with too many lists, guidelines, warnings and rules for a small business to implement. Because his book contains good examples of marketing successes and failures, getAbstract considers it more effective as an inspirational guide than as a fully do-able how-to manual, and recommends it to first-time business owners looking to stoke their marketing mojo.
About the Author
Stanley F. Stasch is professor of marketing at Loyola University in Chicago. He is the author and co-author of numerous books and articles on marketing.
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