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Rick Rickertsen and Robert E. Gunther
The Insider's Guide to Buying Your Own Company
AMACOM, 2001
The whole process of buying a company is difficult, time-consuming, expensive and frustrating… and potentially extremely lucrative.
Buyout maven Rick Rickertsen has written the ultimate guidebook for anyone with an eye on purchasing a company. Despite the complex nature of buyout deals, Rickertsen covers everything, except what to wear when the deal is done. He writes about financial issues in remarkably understandable language and with great flair. getAbstract.com recommends this book to anyone considering participating in a management buyout (which used to be called a leveraged buyout, until the process got a bad reputation) or being swept along by one.
About the Authors
Rick Rickertsen is the chief operating officer of Thayer Capital and the founding partner of Thayer’s two corporate buyout funds totaling more than $1.3 billion. He has led more than 50 buyouts. He is a contributing writer for the Washington Business Journal and Techway magazine. Robert E. Gunther is the founder of Gunther Communications. He is co-author or collaborator of eight books, including Hypercompetition, The Wealthy 100 and Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies.
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