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Paul Washington and Merel Spierings
A Guide to Decision-Making Now and in the Future
Фред Херцнер
Как принимать решения в больших организациях
Fred Herzner
Making Decisions in Large Organizations
Chris Mailander
The Art of Momentous Decision-Making
Scott Cowen
Yuval Atsmon et al.
Decisive Action Amid the Chaos of Crisis
Simon London et al.
How can senior managers get better, faster business decisions from the meetings they attend or lead? Planning is key.
Chris Bradley et al.
People, Probabilities, and Big Moves to Beat the Odds
Christian Smart
Understanding the Critical Role of Uncertainty in Project Management
Daniel Kahneman et al.
Ram Charan
Turning Uncertainty into Breakthrough Opportunities
James Armitage
Avoid Automatically Doing Whatever the Boss Thinks