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Bonnie Marcus
The Politics of Promotion
How High-Achieving Women Get Ahead and Stay Ahead
Wiley, 2015
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Women must take their professional destinies into their own hands by developing and employing workplace “political savvy.”
The women’s movement started decades ago, but female business leaders remain rare. You can credibly blame a lingering bias against women in the workplace, but women also seem to have been reluctant to work their companies’ cultures to their personal advantage. Now, you can take your destiny into your own hands by developing and employing “political savvy” within your organization. Professional coach Bonnie Marcus explains why women haven’t received the promotions, pay and positions they want and what they can do about it. She includes some helpful tools, including “Political Skills Assessment” worksheets and handy chapter summaries. She becomes repetitive at times – mostly for emphasis and reassurance, but getAbstract recommends her smart how-to guide to women who want to forge meaningful careers, whether they’re just starting out or fighting to stay on top.
About the Author
Bonnie Marcus, a professional career coach, founded and leads Women’s Success Coaching. She writes for business publications, including Business Insider and Forbes.
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