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Stephen Denning
The Age of Agile
How Smart Companies Are Transforming the Way Work Gets Done
AMACOM, 2018
Что внутри?
Businesses using agile management practices can flourish in times of tumultuous change.
Good management practices stop working amid rapid change. For that reason, many businesses have chosen to adopt agile management practices. In 2001, the pioneers of this approach, which originated in the software development industry, created the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development,” often called the “Agile Manifesto.” This core document asserts that developers of high-quality software must abandon some of the core principles of 20th-century management to enter “the age of agile.” Management expert Stephen Denning lucidly explains the origins and principles of agile management with illustrative case studies.
About the Author
Stephen Denning worked at the World Bank for several decades in various management positions. A consultant to governments and companies, he’s written business books, many articles on management, a novel and a volume of poetry.
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