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Larry Weidel
Serial Winner
5 Actions to Create Your Cycle of Success
Greenleaf Book Group, 2015
Что внутри?
Motivational author Larry Weidel explains how to become a winner and keep on winning.
Motivational coach and financial services executive Larry Weidel’s manual on the “winning cycle” of success offers valuable ideas on career growth. The author now coaches more than 1,000 US and Canadian leaders in weekly phone sessions, but at one point in his life, he needed government food stamps to feed his family. Having withstood dismal lows before he succeeded, he provides intriguing advice about five cycles of winning: Understand that your choices matter, make a big effort, adjust your plans, finish what you start and don’t settle for losing. getAbstract recommends his companionable advice to entrepreneurs, the self-employed and anyone who wants a pep talk.
About the Author
Larry Weidel heads the financial services organization Primerica and creates videos on success, leadership and sales.
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