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Nic Newman, Richard Fletcher, Craig T. Robertson, Kirsten Eddy and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen
Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2022
Reuters Institute, 2022
Что внутри?
Between divisive politics and new media, people’s trust in journalism is at an all-time low.
Old-school print, radio and television journalists, and traditional media venues often do well in a crisis. And the world has plenty of those, including climate change, the pandemic and war. While many journalists and media institutions have adapted to digital technologies, they still struggle to gain reader and viewer attention in a diffused, competitive media world. Many people don’t care about the news, and distrust the people and institutions that provide it. A surprising number avoid the news altogether. Researchers at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism studied this phenomenon internationally with empirical rigor. Their report provides insight, explanations and detailed information on the state of digital news worldwide.
About the Authors
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen is director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and professor of Political Communication at the University of Oxford. Richard Fletcher, Director of Research, contributed, along with visiting Fellow Nic Newman and researchers Craig T. Robertson and Kirsten Eddy.
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