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Yuval Atsmon, David Chinn, Martin Hirt and Sven Smit
Lessons from the Generals
Decisive Action Amid the Chaos of Crisis
McKinsey, 2022
Что внутри?
The military can teach business a lot about management, especially during crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
The comparison of business to war is almost a cliché. However, authors Yuval Atsmon, David Chinn, Martin Hirt and Sven Smit, all senior partners at McKinsey, go beyond the usual superficial parallels to explain how businesses can learn from the military’s approach to leadership and crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic seriously disrupted business operations, even entire economies. Managers confronting this – and other – crises at every organizational level can and should learn from military principles and practices. They will benefit from this analysis.
About the Authors
Yuval Atsmon and David Chinn are senior partners in McKinsey’s London office, Martin Hirt is a senior partner in the Greater China office and Sven Smit is a senior partner in the Amsterdam office.
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