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Nicholas Boothman
How to Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less
Use Rapport by Design to Become More Confident and Effective, and Make the Best of Every Business Relationship
Workman Publishing, 2002
Что внутри?
A minute and a half: Sometimes that’s all you get to make an impression and, hopefully, a connection.
Some people seem to shine in every social setting, making each individual they encounter feel like the most important person in the room. For many other people, meeting strangers and trying to make a good impression can be daunting – but it doesn’t have to be. Corporate consultant Nicholas Boothman explains that every meeting and every interaction contains an opportunity. Learning how to maximize that opportunity is crucial to success in business and in life. Boothman teaches the skills you need to forge instant connections, from making eye contact to smiling warmly and developing a firm handshake. He delves further into areas such as appearance, conversational style, and methods of giving and receiving feedback. Although the content is fairly elementary, getAbstract recommends this engaging, chatty book to anyone who wants to learn how to work a room.
About the Author
Nicholas Boothman is the founder of the consulting company Corporate Images and author of How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less. He is also a popular speaker on connecting and building relationships.
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