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Cal Newport
Digital Minimalism
Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World
Portfolio, 2019
Что внутри?
Compulsive use of digital devices and apps steals your time and attention. Escape it.
In today’s digital economy, your attention is a valuable commodity. The more time you spend looking at screens, the more companies such as Facebook and Twitter harvest your attention and sell it to advertisers. Digital tools have addictive qualities, and companies exacerbate those traits. According to computer science professor Cal Newport, these tools invaded society with such speed that people couldn’t determine their best use. He proposes a method for enjoying the benefits of digital technology while avoiding addiction and distraction. Newport advises pruning the clutter of technologies in your life and regaining control of those you choose to use. He suggests a thorough technological makeover that begins with a 30-day tech sabbatical, including deep contemplation of your values and goals. If you glanced at your phone in the last 15 minutes, you might benefit from Newport’s advice. If you looked at it before you finished this paragraph, you definitely will.
About the Author
Cal Newport, associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University, is also the author of A World Without Email, Deep Work and So Good They Can’t Ignore You.
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