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Steve Preda
Your Guide to Building a Self-Managing, Fast-Growing, and High-Profit Business
Steve Preda, 2021
Что внутри?
“Proactive” owners who plan well can reap big rewards when they sell their companies.
So, you want to start a company, or you recently opened the doors of your new business. You know intuitively that this is an all-consuming activity, so you never take your eye off the ball. What’s not intuitive is planning for where the ball will bounce when you want to sell your business. M&A expert Steve Preda explains that “proactive” owners who plan for this eventuality deliberately develop “buyable” businesses and can reap big rewards. “Reactive” owners who fail to plan for a future sale may find that their firms are “unbuyable” or end up selling at a discount. Preda tells owners how to structure their firms for maximum buyability – when the time comes.
About the Author
Steve Preda is a management consultant, M&A adviser and business sales coach.
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