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Erin Lowry
Broke Millennial
Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together
Perigee, 2017
Что внутри?
Break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck by taking control of your finances.
Erin Lowry, a millennial and founder of BrokeMillennial.com, teaches her peers how to take control of their finances. She covers understanding your feelings about money, making a budget, knowing your credit score, dealing with student loans, comparison shopping for financial products, and more. Lowry’s manual is comprehensive and occasionally funny. Millennials will appreciate her social media references and her accounts of their contemporaries’ real-life struggles with familiar financial issues. Non-millennials will find excellent, if basic, financial counsel. getAbstract recommends Lowry’s advice to people seeking mastery over his or her money, especially millennials.
About the Author
Erin Lowry is a personal finance expert and is also the author of Broke Millennial Takes On Investing: A Beginner’s Guide to Leveling-Up Your Money. She’s been featured in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal and on Fox & Friends.
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