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Sebastian Deterding
9.5 Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Gamification
Microsoft, 2012
Что внутри?
To use gamification effectively, you need to understand the social context of play.
Gamification is the method of applying gaming elements to non-game situations, such as work or school, to encourage learning or teach certain behaviors. Many people believe that simply adding scores and game-like visuals will make routine tasks or learning situations fun. But play doesn’t work that way. The fun of games comes from getting better at something, being in control and connecting with others. In this Microsoft Research talk, user experience designer and researcher Sebastian Deterding explores the mechanics of play and how these insights could inform the future of gamification design.
About the Speaker
Sebastian Deterding is a designer and researcher working on user experience, video games, persuasive technology and gameful design. He’s also professor at the Digital Creativity Labs at the University of York.
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