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Maria Barisano, Neveen Awad, Adriana Dahik, Julie Bedard, Uche Monu, Gunjan Mundhra and Katherine Lou
Women Leaders in Tech Are Paving the Way in GenAI
Boston Consulting Group, 2024
What's inside?
Senior women in tech are outperforming men in adopting GenAI — learn why women leaders can drive change when it comes to adopting this powerful tool.
Women have historically lagged behind men in adopting new technologies, but in some contexts, this trend is becoming obsolete: Senior women working in the tech industry are outperforming men working at the same level when it comes to adopting Generative AI (GenAI) tools, according to research from Boston Consulting Group. The reason for this discrepancy? Senior women in tech have more confidence in their GenAI abilities while being less risk-averse when it comes to GenAI and more aware of its potential. Learn how to boost gender equity in GenAI adoption and leadership at your company, harnessing the power of senior women in tech to inspire change.
About the Authors
Maria Barisano, Neveen Awad, Adriana Dahik, Julie Bedard, Uche Monu, Gunjan Mundhra and Katherine Lou are professionals with Boston Consulting Group.
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