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James Fallows
When a Company Invests in an Underdog City
The Atlantic, 2021
Что внутри?
Tech startups like Bitwise Industries are turning underdog cities into attractive, tech-enabled cities of the future.
Bitwise Industries is a lively tech startup in Fresno, California – an unlikely place for new tech businesses, considering that global digital transformation left the city behind. Set in the middle of California’s poor and sprawling Central Valley farm region, Fresno needed a shot in the arm. Bitwise’s dedication to the city is aiding its revitalization, turning an underdog city into one that’s economically and culturally vibrant. The company wants to duplicate that success in other underdog cities. Atlantic magazine journalist James Fallows profiles Bitwise and its expansion to Toledo, Ohio.
About the Author
Atlantic magazine writer James Fallows co-authored Our Towns: A 100,000-Mile Journey Into the Heart of America with his wife, journalist Deborah Fallows.
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