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Tim Harford
The Undercover Economist
Exposing Why the Rich Are Rich, the Poor Are Poor - and Why You Can Never Buy a Decent Used Car
Oxford UP, 2005
Was ist drin?
Each time you buy a costly cup of coffee, you're sipping the economic realities of the market: Why you are the economy.
In this brief, cogent book, author Tim Harford provides an accessible, entertaining introduction to economic thinking. This skillfully written report belongs on the shelf of anyone with an interest in economic matters - and as the author makes clear, everyone has an interest in economic matters. He deftly punctures the balloons of those who advocate fair trade coffee, protectionism, government-underwritten medical care and other such policies. These tactics may seem humane on the surface, but he contends that they often merely advance the selfish goals of the few at the expense of the many. If the book has a weakness, it is Harford’s tendency to take certain points of political opinion for granted and to state them as moral choices without qualification or proof. For instance, he puts forth the admirable - though some would say questionable - notion that governments are obliged to cushion the shock of unemployment. That, however, is a quibble. getAbstract highly recommends this concise, comprehensive book.
About the Author
Tim Harford writes the "Dear Economist" and "Undercover Economist" columns in the Financial Times magazine. He is also the economics editorial writer at the Financial Times.
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