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David Dobbs
The Touch of Madness
Culture profoundly shapes our ideas about mental illness, which is something psychologist Nev Jones knows all too well.
PSmag, 2017
What's inside?
What factors can shape mental illness? For psychologist Nev Jones, culture plays as much of a role as biology.
Nev Jones had memory lapses, hallucinations and trouble concentrating when she was still a promising doctoral candidate in philosophy. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The way her schizophrenia was treated, by doctors but also by her friends, led her to realize that the way modern Western culture ostracizes the mentally ill only makes their condition worse. She switched fields from philosophy to psychology, and now lectures on the way culture can shape the trajectory of mental illness. getAbstract recommends this article to anyone interested in how the intersection of culture and biology can impact the human mind.
About the Author
David Dobbs writes features, reviews and essays for The New York Times, National Geographic, Aeon, Mosaic, Slate and other publications. He has also written books on trees, fish and Darwin’s reefs.
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