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Kevin F. Davis
The Sales Manager’s Guide to Greatness
Ten Essential Strategies for Leading Your Team to the Top
Greenleaf Book Group, 2017
What's inside?
Sales managers must promote consistent sales growth – but they have to know how.
Superior sales depend on your sales team’s top performance, but most sales managers – having never learned to be good coaches or teachers – don’t know how to make such an achievement a reality. Sales consultant Kevin F. Davis offers these managers a basic course on how to help their reps sell more effectively. He outlines 10 specific strategies and explains them thoroughly with useful theory, valuable insights, helpful action steps and illustrative sales management stories. getAbstract recommends his manual to all sales execs, especially those new to sales management.
About the Author
Kevin F. Davis is president of TopLine Leadership, a sales and sales management and training consultancy. He also wrote Getting into Your Customer’s Head.
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