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Alan Satariano and Paul Mozur
The People Onscreen Are Fake.
The Disinformation Is Real.
The New York Times, 2023
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The newscasters on deepfake videos made with AI are not real people, but they spread real disinformation.
So-called “disinformation peddlers” can now produce cheap, but realistic, videos in misinformation campaigns designed to spread lies, disrupt international relations or create porn. New York Times reporters Alan Satariano and Paul Mozur warn that media manipulators now can build a humanlike online avatar “puppet” news announcer and program it to say and do anything desired, in credible tones and in any language or accent. While it’s still pretty easy to tell that the resulting broadcasts are fake, the technology is getting better and discerning who or what is real is only going to become more difficult.
About the Authors
Adam Satariano, in London, and Paul Mozur, in Seoul, are New York Times tech correspondents who regularly report about online disinformation. Mozur was on the Times’ team that won the Pulitzer Prize for public service for its coverage of the Coronavirus pandemic.
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