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Daniela Pierre-Bravo
The Other
How to Own Your Power at Work as a Woman of Color
Legacy Lit, 2022
What's inside?
Beat the pressure to conform that women of color face at work and start your journey of professional self-fulfillment.
Women of color face a unique mix of challenges in the workplace, both external and internal. When striving to get ahead in their careers, they can have difficulty unpacking the relationship between the bias and discrimination they face, their internalized limiting beliefs, and the imperfect coping strategies they develop to survive. In her empowering book, Chilean-born immigrant Daniela Pierre-Bravo provides emotional insight and practical tools to help women of color summon the strength to assert themselves professionally and demand equity.
About the Author
Daniela Pierre-Bravo is a reporter for MSNBC’s Morning Joe and co-wrote, with Mika Brzezinski, Earn It!
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