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Erin Griffith
The Other Tech Bubble
Techies Still Think They’re the Good Guys. They’re Not.
Backchannel, 2017
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Silicon Valley’s bad rap is here to stay.
For more than two decades, the American public was in love with Silicon Valley. In 2017, big tech is experiencing a public backlash. Sexual harassment scandals and the notion that technology companies are gaining too much power over people’s lives have battered the Valley’s reputation. Veteran Silicon Valley reporter Erin Griffith explains how this change in public perception is resonating among tech start-ups and why she is pessimistic about the Valley’s ability to resuscitate its image. getAbstract recommends her account to anybody puzzled by big tech’s rapid change in reputational fortune.
About the Author
Erin Griffith is a senior writer at Wired, which produces the Backchannel blog.
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