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Alain De Botton
The News
A User’s Manual
Pantheon Books, 2014
What's inside?
The news succeeds at providing facts, but it fails at imparting knowledge.
In his earlier books, London author Alain de Botton turned a fresh eye on architecture, religion and sex. Now he addresses the news. The information age releases an hourly torrent of headlines, but people are no more knowledgeable because of it. Examining six categories of news – political, international, economic, celebrity-focused, tragic and consumer-oriented – de Botton relates the headlines to bigger ideas: human frailty, mortality, and the search for security and happiness. Purveyors of news would do well to put the day’s events in the context of these age-old themes. The media landscape that de Botton calls “the news” is not as monolithic as he implies – but his provocative insights give editors and news consumers food for thought. getAbstract recommends this breezy manual to media executives looking to make the news more interesting and relevant, and to audiences who want to read and view news more critically.
About the Author
Alain de Botton, a resident of London, is the author of best-selling nonfiction books including The Architecture of Happiness, The Art of Travel and How Proust Can Change Your Life.
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