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Anthony Iannarino
The Lost Art of Closing
Winning the Ten Commitments That Drive Sales
Portfolio, 2017
What's inside?
For sales success, make your client – not your product and not you – the center of your conversations.
Sales impresario Anthony Iannarino believes many salespeople don’t know how to have productive conversations with clients, even though sellers’ words make or break sales. The typical salesperson might say, “What’s it going to take to get you to sign this contract?” In contrast, the salesperson could say, “Can you share your concerns with me so I can make sure this works for you?” This question focuses on the client’s needs and should result in useful information that leads to a sale. Iannarino’s bestseller, which outlines his well-developed closing strategies, provides numerous field-tested conversational nuggets salespeople can use to encourage clients to sign up. getAbstract recommends this manual to all B2B salespeople.
About the Author
Anthony Iannarino founded The Sales Blog, which draws more than 50,000 readers monthly. He leads a sales team, speaks to sales organizations and teaches part time at the Capital University’s School of Management and Leadership.
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