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Susan Drumm
The Leader's Playlist
Unleash the Power of Music and Neuroscience to Transform Your Leadership and Your Life
River Grove Books, 2022
What's inside?
Music can transform your behavior, your emotional state, your leadership, and your life.
Consulting firm CEO Susan Drumm, who has worked with CEOs, billionaires, and government officials as an executive coach, offers an original perspective on leadership development. She explores the effects of childhood trauma on adults, and connects those traumas to the emotional triggers – most notably music – that drive leaders’ behaviors. Drumm links emotions to music and that makes her book title far more than just a metaphor. By showing ways to use music to deal with strong feelings and even with trauma, she offers leaders and everyone else an imaginative path to transformation.
About the Author
Susan Drumm, CEO of Meritage Leadership, is a Master Certified Leadership Coach serving major companies. She provides a free quiz at and free resources at for those who want to research childhood trauma and its effects.
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