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James Lewis and Stewart Baker
The Economic Impact of Cybercrime and Cyber Espionage
CSIS, 2013
What's inside?
Malicious cyber activity costs the American economy around $100 billion a year and more than 500,000 jobs
Cybercrime and espionage wreak havoc on the global economy. Figuring out the price of cybercrime is a challenge because researchers are faced with incomplete data, skewed surveys and questionable assumptions. James Lewis and Stewart Baker of the Center for Strategic and International Studies built a new model based on real-world analogies that puts the cost to the US economy at $100 billion a year. Though their workings are somewhat opaque, getAbstract recommends their analysis to business leaders who strive to protect their firms from the perils of cybercrime.
About the Authors
James Lewis is a director and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Stewart Baker is a CSIS fellow and a partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP.
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