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Paul Gallant
The Dirty Work of Cleaning Online Reputations
For a fee, companies will tackle damaging search results. But is the new economy of digital makeovers making things worse:
Medium, 2022
What's inside?
In the lucrative industry of fixing internet reputations, sometimes the solution is part of the problem.
Websites and internet media don’t play by the same rules as traditional means of communication. Neither private individuals nor major firms are secure from online defamation, but the latter can more easily afford the cost of cleanup. As Paul Gallant writes in Medium, a multimillion-dollar industry has arisen to mitigate – but usually not eliminate – the problem of online slander and reputation damage. The fact that most internet searchers don’t read past the first dozen entries is one line of defense.
About the Author
Journalist Paul Gallant wrote the novel Still More Stubborn Stars.
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