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Satish Nambisan, Yadong Luo and Conny Braams
The Digital Multinational
Navigating the New Normal in Global Business (Management on the Cutting Edge)
MIT Press, 2022
What's inside?
Digitally-powered MNE’s can expand at unprecedented rates, but leaders must consider the complexities of foreign markets.
The number of multinational enterprises (MNEs) has exploded exponentially in recent years, as digitization enabled enterprises to build their capabilities and expand across borders. But according to management professors Satish Nambisan and Yadong Luo, before penetrating foreign markets, MNEs must consider potential complexities and adjust their strategies accordingly. Whether you’re operating an Alibaba storefront or a giant MNE, Nambisan and Luo stress the importance of analyzing and adapting to everything from digitally-powered recombinant innovation strategies to restrictive local regulations.
About the Authors
Professor of technology management at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management Satish Nambisan also authored The Global Brain. Emery M. Findley Distinguished Chair and a professor of management at the University of Miami Yadong Luo authored Global Dimensions of Corporate Governance.
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