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Art Sobczak
Smart Calling
Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling
Wiley, 2013
What's inside?
Prospects don’t want to take sales calls from strangers. But if you “Smart Call,” they will talk to you gladly.
Art Sobczak has been successfully selling over the telephone since he was 14. Now in his 50s, he seems to know practically everything about cold calling – make that, telephone prospecting – and selling. In the second edition of his manual, Sobczak shares his trade secrets. His original book reached number one in Amazon’s sales the first day it was listed and, in 2010, Top Sales Awards named it the year’s best sales book. Sobczak specializes in “Smart Calling,” a strategy that sales professionals can follow to turn phone prospecting into a positive experience for everyone involved. Sobczak offers compelling conversational methods that elevate prospecting into an activity requiring skill, intelligence and an agile wit. He transforms phone sales – an activity most salespeople avoid – into a rewarding or, at least, more tolerable and productive, experience. getAbstract recommends his program and commends his engaging outlines and explanations. Salespeople should relish reading these insights, which should be required texts for anyone who must use phone calls to convince strangers to do what they want them to do, including job seekers, freelancers, recruiters and fundraisers.
About the Author
Art Sobczak, the founder of Business By Phone, has taught phone prospecting and sales for more than 30 years.
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