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Richard Conniff
Scrubbing Carbon from the Sky
Can we remove enough CO2 from the atmosphere to slow or even reverse climate change?
Scientific American, 2019
What's inside?
The roadblocks to removing CO2 from the atmosphere are more human than technological.
On the heels of record-breaking 2018 heat waves and forest fires across the world, the Global Carbon Project released an alarming set of statistics: Global carbon emissions are on the rise again. Other studies warn that the world will surpass the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit, which scientists consider the safe threshold for warming, within only a few years. Limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C this century will require drastic measures and will almost certainly involve the removal of carbon from the atmosphere. Science writer Richard Conniff describes some of the most promising ways of doing so. His detailed and matter-of-fact approach to potential solutions to a problem that makes people feel helpless ends on a positive note. Humans still have a chance to avert climate catastrophe if they put their minds and money to it. The article will be thought-provoking for anyone concerned with climate disaster and the best ways to avert it.
About the Author
Richard Conniff is an award-winning science writer. His books include The Species Seekers: Heroes, Fools, and the Mad Pursuit of Life on Earth.
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