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John O'Leary, Nicole Overley and Amrita Datar
Rethinking the workforce development ecosystem
Grow the economy by bridging the skills gap
Deloitte, 2023
What's inside?
Reimagine workforce development as a collaborative ecosystem to bridge the skills gap and fuel economic growth.
Programs aimed at helping individual workers upskill can’t, in and of themselves, bridge America’s yawning skills gap. A collaborative workforce development ecosystem is necessary to meet employer and worker needs. Deloitte researchers John O’Leary, Nicole Overley and Amrita Datar unpack how, by working in sync, critical players in workforce development – from educators to employers – can reshape the labor market and boost the economy. They lay out the “ABCs” or central characteristics of a healthy workforce development ecosystem, then offer five strategies for fostering this ecosystem.
About the Authors
John O’Leary is a senior manager with Deloitte Services LP, Nicole Overley is a senior manager with Deloitte Consulting’s Human Capital practice and Amrita Datar is a research manager at the Center for Government Insights.
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