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Martha I. Finney
A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss
FT Press, 2009
What's inside?
You lost your job. Is the good life now over? Well, maybe getting pushed out the door is just the change you need.
Losing your job is one of life’s greatest stressors. Unfortunately, with downsizing, mergers, outsourcing and recession-era cutbacks, an increasing number of employees face the possibility of job termination. If your company plans to release you, for whatever reason and however reluctantly, hard work and long hours probably won’t protect you. How can you prepare to deal with this sobering situation? In this insightful book, employee engagement expert Martha I. Finney provides a proactive plan for handling job termination. If you are in that boat, getAbstract recommends this life preserver. Finney explains how to survive a dunking, stay afloat and swim on to better things.
About the Author
Martha I. Finney spent much of her career as a business journalist. She is now a consultant who helps organizations improve their employee relationships.
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